
29 Jul

Zillow Rentals API Integration

 We are happy to announce the integration with Zillow Rentals. As a reliable provider of open rentals from hundreds of landlords and management companies in NYC (and nationwide), Zillow Rentals has become a leading source for rentals update for many of our clients.

To have Zillow Rentals integrated with your RealtyMx system, please review the following instructions:
  1. Sign up with Zillow Rentals
  2. Once signed up, please choose your partners (LANDLORDS you're interested in getting their listings)
  3. Then, please send us your API KEY. We'll take care of the rest.
Key advantagaes for integrating with Zillow Rentals:
  • Full control over the data
  • Save, analyze & publish any lsiting you want
  • Filter data based on price, areas, landlords and more

For more info, please contact our support team.